Monday, August 18, 2008

Is anyone else addicted to the Twilight series?

I was encouraged to share with all of you what I have been reading of late. A friend of mine told me that I should read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer because she was really enjoying them. At first I was a little hesitant seeing as how the books are about a vampire and this is not typically what I would read. Also havingSince I had this conversation with this friend of mine I have now finished the first 3 books in the series and have really been enjoying them. Not only are the books well written, the characters seem very real and Stephenie Meyer truly has a way of making the series interesting. So fascinating in fact that I for one have been addicted to them!

I thought that by posting about the Twilight series we could generate a discussion about whether or not any of you have read them, what you thought of the series? and what to recommend to young adults coming into the library having read the entire series?


Jill Corrente said...

Me too, Allison! I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet--so no spoilers please. Can't wait for the movie and I almost never see movies anymore (mainly because I don't have the energy!).

Jill Corrente said...

Oh--and there are lots of read alike compilations out there. We have one on the teen site:

Stephanie Meyers Read Alikes

There was one on pubyac that I can forward on to you if you'd like!

Elizabeth A said...

I'm working on reading Twilight right now. (I'm almost done) I think its a great book so far, very well written and the main character is easy to relate to.

I have had parents in recently asking if its an appropriate book for their 8-11 year olds, and I'm not sure what to say. So far, there is no sex and not much violence, so it could be appropriate for tween readers. What does everyone else think?

Allison said...

WOW! Thank you for your responses! Glad to know others of you are addicted lke me! AND NO SPOILERS FOR ME EITHER!

Thanks for the read-alikes Jill!

Elizabeth I also have had quite a few parents asking about the age appropriateness...I would say the first 2 are ok as far as sexual intimacy and violence, however I have heard that 3 and 4 are definitely OLDER teen books (16-up)...but other thoughts on this are welcome!

Elisabeth said...

I have tried to listen to "Twilight" twice now but the reader's voice is too annoying. Has anyone else done the audio?
What I've listened to so far is interesting and the series is still definitely on my to-read list.

Thanks for the read alike link Jill. Very helpful!

Elizabeth A said...

I've done the audio, and I found the readers voice to be only mildly offensive, but was able to make it through.

Allison, thanks for the heads up on books 3 & 4. This will be helpful and give me something to tell parents.