Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hello It's me Jan

I'm Jan A-Z from Smoky. The reason people call me Jan A-Z is my last name beginnings with A and ends with Z. It is a hard name to pronounce. I love my job at Smoky. I do story times for Babies, two to six years and the different Elementary Schools in the area. I enjoy working with children of all ages. Right now I have been working on new flannel boards for our fall story times. If any one has any good web sites for flannel boards let me know.


MelissaZD said...

Hi Jan, welcome aboard! I'm starting to gear up for storytime, too! I'm mostly working with the babies right now, so my "flannels" are pretty basic--we do a lot of counting songs, that sort of thing--rather than stories. Plus I don't use flannel at all anymore--I go straight to Microsoft Word and dive into the Clip Art files. I find colorful images and photos, print them out big, and laminate them!

One of my favorite websites for storytime ideas is Hummingbird Education at (scroll down to where it says "lotsa lesson plans"). They've got a bunch of rhymes, songs, and activities by theme...though no patterns for flannels.

Anyone else with a good resource?

Elisabeth said...

This isn't a flannel board resource but I thought I'd share it here anyway...