Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Matilda Needs Help

We have a cool opportunity!

donna geesaman has asked a few of the former Youth ASTs to help her gather resources for a few new Book Club Kits. I volunteered for Matilda, by Roald Dahl, and I would love for you to pitch in. Why?

Because I think this is a great chance for those of us who are unfamiliar with the kits (I'm one of them!) to...
  • learn what resources come with a kit when you order one

  • practice doing research to support a book club without having to prep an entire program yourself

  • have some fun brainstorming activities and crafts you might like to see in the book club kits
Resources to include in the kits should include, but are not limited to:
  • author information [Allison is working on this!]

  • reviews of the book

  • list of read-alike books [Jill Corrente is working on this!]

  • list of other books by the same author

  • discussion questions [Karen H is working on this!]

  • background information on the setting or characters

  • any historical information that will help the presenter place the book in time

  • activities (classroom, games, crafts, snacks) [Elisabeth and Lori Noreen are working on this--but several other people can, too!]
Please volunteer to research and provide one or more of these resources for the book Matilda, by Roald Dahl. Our deadline for sending the materials to donna is December 31.

I would also welcome discussion about book clubs in general, so if you have any questions or comments, please let us know!


Jill Corrente said...

I volunteer, Melissa. Do we get assigned a particular book or get to choose from a list or are we all working on Matilda (I'm fuzzy, sorry!)? The Book Club page on the treehouse is always popular--if anyone wants to suggest additional resources or info that we might provide there (or on the main site), comment here or email me or Alyson. Thanks!

MelissaZD said...

Sorry! I knew with such a long post I would space a detail, and I did!

For this project we are ALL working on Matilda. Choose ONE of the resources listed and see what you can pull together.

I will collect everything and figure out a way to show our work in progress...probably to a Google website, since I just learned how to use them! :)

Also, our deadline for the material is December 31.

Thank you!

Jill Corrente said...

I'd like to work on read-alikes if possible.

Allison said...

Since Jill took Read-alikes, can I do the author information? Thanks!:) This will be fun!

By the way I had the best time last month when to my surprise I had 15 kids come to my Clementine bookclub. It was a huge sucess and what made it so was all of these resources, crafts and everything!

Elisabeth said...

I'd like to help with the "activities" part of the book club.

Karen H said...

I would be interested in working on the discussion questions. As I am working on the questions if I come up with any interesting background or history I'll be happy to contribute in that area too.

lorine said...

Hi Melissa - I'd like to help with the activities. I don't know if "matilda" will find me helpful or not...:)Lori N

(One reason allison's book club was so well attended is because Wincy and I promoted it at our Homestead Elem Back to School visit!!! The librarian loves to encourage the kids to attend ALD programs! ) the kits are great

cheryl said...

I would like to work on the activities for Matilda.