Monday, June 15, 2009

It's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Allen County Public Library just posted their first Mock Caldecott list of the year!

Evansville has their first quarter list up as well.

What have they missed so far? Go to our GoodReads Caldecott Hopeful shelf and add your favorites.

Fuse has her own "halfway there" predictions, too.


Alyson said...

By "It's Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!" do you the Caldecott fuss or the Interest Group Blog? I am a little put off by those really long lists. Does Evansville consider every kid's book a Caldecott hopeful?

MelissaZD said...

Well, I meant the Caldecott frenzy but I guess you can mean the YSIG blog too!

My take on Evansville is that they add anything that gets a starred review in any of their 6 journals they track. It does make for a long list, but I find it instructive to look at how opinion congregates around certain books.